US to sanction Chinese officials for human rights violations

The United States has announced that it will impose visa restrictions on officials from the People’s Republic of China due to ongoing human rights abuses against minority groups. The decision is supported by relevant sections of the Immigration and Nationality Act.

The alleged human rights violations include “ongoing genocide and crimes against humanity in Xinjiang, the erosion of fundamental freedoms in Hong Kong, ongoing human rights abuses in Tibet, and transnational repression around the world.” In the resolution, the US called on China to change its human rights policies, stating: “Adhere to the principles enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and accept the many recommendations made this year during the Universal Periodic Review of its human rights record, including the unconditional release of PRC citizens arbitrarily and unjustly detained.”

On the same day, the Chinese government also announced sanctions against six US defense companies and five senior executives of sanctioned companies for selling arms to Taiwan. This year, the Chinese government has repeatedly announced sanctions against American defense companies for allegedly trading arms with Taiwan in violation of the “One China” principle.

China sanctions US companies and executives for Russia and Taiwan