Sanctioned shadow fleet gas carrier zigzags between Norwegian oil platforms

Following the transshipment of natural gas from Russia’s sanctioned Arctic LNG 2 project, the Mulan has been sailing in circles in the North Sea.

The 236-meter-long LNG carrier named Mulan has been sailing back and forth in the North Sea for more than a week.

According to The Barents Observer, on December 20, the Mulan entered Ura Bay on the Kola Peninsula, probably to perform a transshipment operation with the Saam FSU. It then headed towards Norwegian waters. Since December 26, it has been sailing in circles south of Norway’s exclusive economic zone.

Looking at ship traffic data, the tanker is heading towards Port Said in Egypt. The circling in the North Sea might be related to the transportation of sanctioned gas.

Many ships are already on the sanctions list. In addition to the Mulan, the New Energy and Pioneer have also been subjected to sanctions. All these ships were in the far northern Gulf of Ob to load LNG from the Utrenny terminal. Any ship or company involved in activities related to Arctic LNG 2 faces the risk of sanctions from US and EU authorities.

The largest sanctions package against Russia’s shadow fleet