US has no plans to sanction Chinese banks over Russia

Washington is looking for ways to curb Beijing’s support for Russia. But sanctions against Chinese banks are not in sight. An official, speaking to Reuters on condition of anonymity, said there were no plans to sanction Chinese banks and that officials hoped diplomacy would prevent the need for such action. In recent weeks, US officials […]

Covid decision from the US for 3 Chinese and 3 Thai organisations

Sanctions are being imposed on three Chinese nationals and three Thailand-based organisations. The sanctions were imposed because they were associated with a malicious botnet that enabled individuals and organisations to commit cyber fraud, including bomb threats, and apply for COVID relief, which caused the US government to lose billions of dollars. According to the US […]

Georgian activists call on EU to sanction ‘foreign agents’ law

Georgian activists have petitioned the President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen, the President of the European Parliament Roberta Metsola and the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell, calling for sanctions against those responsible for the adoption of the ‘foreign agents’ law in Georgia. In particular, the petition […]

EU discusses sanctions against Russian oil tanker insurer Ingosstrakh

The European Union’s executive body is about to take a new step to cut off Russia’s sources of income to finance the war in Ukraine. The EU is now examining the feasibility of a proposal by one of its member states to impose sanctions on Russia’s Ingosstrakh Insurance Co. The proposal, which may require the […]

US lawmakers pressure Iran for sanctions over Salehi decision

The death sentence in Iran for rapper Toomaj Salehi for writing a song about the death of a woman in 2022 has mobilised US lawmakers. A bill introduced on Friday proposed sanctions targeting Iranian officials who played a role in the death sentence. The proposal calls for sanctions against judges, prosecutors and investigators of Iran’s […]